The Kingdom Heights Christian School (KHCS) preschool serves families of children ages 18 months to five years. In addition to typical childcare activities, it features A Beka phonics reading program, traditional math, and learning activities that foster large and small motor skill development in children. Other activities include patriotism and character training based on the Bible. The schedule is fast-paced to keep learners actively engaged. Our extended childcare schedule includes music, art, and organized games.
Elementary and Middle Schools
Years of research in education suggest that small elementary and middle schools with small classes provide students the best opportunities to achieve. By design, KHCS serves less than 100 students with class sizes of 15 students or less. Teaching and learning materials are individualized to each student with an emphasis on mastery and skill development. Coursework includes science, technology, engineering, math, language arts with grammar and composition, literature, social studies, fine arts, physical education, and Bible study.